Interesting Things to Fill Your Beautiful Skull.

Friday, January 4, 2008

False Flag

Is it worth two hours to know what happened?

You tell me...


  1. Dude, if it can't be packaged into a 30 second sound bite, I'm not interested. Britney just got sent to the hospital, did you hear?

  2. When can the world stop paying attention to her? I was disappointed when she made that track with Madonna. I don't want her to still be an icon. I DON'T WANT IT! The only thing worse than the media still following her around is going to be when she makes her new comeback and wants to have a fresh start. Yuck! And it's going to happen. Mark my words. Look at us, we're leaving comments on a 9-11 post about BS. Shoot me.

  3. Wow, I didn't realize how much BS you guys had in you.

