Interesting Things to Fill Your Beautiful Skull.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This just recently came to my attention. A list of the problems solved by MacGyver. And they say Wikipedia isn't a valid authority. That's awesome.

Also, I thought this was just fascinating.

A Swiss Army knife is commonly called Macgybar Chakku in Bangladesh, Maekgaibeo Kal in South Korea, and Pisau MacGyver/Pisau Lipat MacGyver' in Indonesia and Malaysia. (Chakku, Kal and Pisau mean knife in Bengali, Korean and Malay, respectively.) In Malaysia, the term "MacGyver knife" (English) is also commonly used. In Poland it's known as the "Scyzoryk MacGyver'a", which means just "Macgyver's knife". In Norway and in certain areas of Finland, duct tape is commonly known, to some degree, as "MacGyver-tape", though it is more used in a joking manner. In Mozambique, fixing something by adapting locally-available parts is sometimes referred to as doing a "Macgyver". In Taiwan, a person who is knowledgable or skilled at a technical subject X is termed an "X magaixian" ("X MacGyver").

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