Interesting Things to Fill Your Beautiful Skull.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do you wonder how this is all going to turn out?

Do you want to to reconsider, next year - but with the perspective of today, how this current crisis, illness, relationship, move, concert, whatever will affect you? is a website where you can write a letter to your *future* self now, and have it show up in your email box next week, next year, 3 years from now....

1 comment:

  1. When I was 19, going on 20, I made an autobiographical film about myself. I documented what 1999 was like for me. I wanted to be able to do 2 things. One, I wanted an artifact that I could look upon and see my growth and change compared to myself. Second, I have an ability to allow my future kids to transport back in time and know who I was when I was younger. "Hey, I might be an old fart now, but this is me going on 20. Maybe that guy will make more sense to you."

    I haven't watched the video yet. I told myself when I turn 30, I can watch it. I turn 30 this year. I'm thinking about another video.

