Interesting Things to Fill Your Beautiful Skull.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Veganism and Athletics

This is an article in the Wall Street Journal about how Tony Gonzalez, the greatest player at the position of tight end in NFL history, decided to try out a vegan diet.

The protein-rich bounty of the football training table is supposed to grow the biggest and strongest athletes in professional sports. Kansas City Chiefs tight-end Tony Gonzalez was afraid it was going to kill him. "It's the Catch-22," says Mr. Gonzalez, 31. "Am I going to be unhealthy and play football? Or be healthy and get out of the league?"
It's an interesting read...and don't forget to watch the video of Mr. Gonzalez making a shake, although he's got nothing on Keith.


1 comment:

  1. That's actually pretty close to how I make my smoothies. Good on Tony for hitting up that Acai. Now I'm off to an Ethiopian restaurant to eat some delicious meat Ethiopian style....I'll think about becoming a vegan later.

